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Continuum of Care (CoC) Program

HUD-Continuum of Care (CoC) Program

On January 17, 2025, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced nearly $3.6 billion in Continuum of Care (CoC) program awards for nearly 7,000 projects that provide housing assistance and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, as well as costs related to planning and data collection. As a result of HUD extending application deadlines for disaster impacted areas, this is the first of two FY 2024 CoC award announcements. More information can be found at FY 2024 CoC Program Competition and Funding Report | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

If you are interested in receiving information regarding upcoming funding opportunities, please consider becoming a HCCSC Member. As a Member you will receive email updates with the current funding opportunities.

Stark County Homeless Hotline

(330) 452-4363
Volunteer holding hand

Role of the Homeless Continuum of Care

HUD designates specific geographic areas across the nation as the “Continuum of Care” covering that region. The local geographic area recognized by HUD as a Continuum of Care is Stark County.  All projects applying for CoC funding to serve areas of Stark County must apply through the local application process established by the body designated to represent the local Continuum of Care. The Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County (HCCSC) is the body designated to fulfill the federal requirements of a Continuum of Care in order to compete for the CoC grant program funding.

Application support in front of computer

HUD CoC Application

The annual CoC application is composed of two parts: the Consolidated Application and the Priority Listing. The details regarding HUD priorities and additional threshold requirements are released for each funding year at the time of HUD’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the CoC Program. The timing of the NOFO varies from year to year.

Application process on computer

Consolidated Application

The Consolidated Application is prepared and submitted by the HCCSC’s designated Collaborative Applicant, Stark Housing Network. HUD assesses CoCs nationwide on system-wide performance outcomes and coordination and scores and ranks CoCs accordingly to determine which CoCs will receive funding priority for project applications submitted by the CoC in the Priority Listing.

Group of volunteers working in front of computers

Priority Listing

The HCCSC must establish a local process for assessing local gaps and needs, determining funding priorities for the CoC Program, determining possible reallocations, inviting, reviewing, scoring and ranking projects according to successful performance that reflects the projects ability to assist with addressing system-wide progress towards ending homelessness.  The HCCSC has established policies and procedures for this local process, which are posted as policy C.3 on our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page (scroll to Section C to read). In summary, the HCCSC’s Recipient Approval and Evaluation (RAE) Committee must review, score and rank all local projects applying for CoC Program funding through the local application process detailed in the policy referenced above. The RAE Committee makes recommendations to the HCCSC Board of Directors regarding which projects should be submitted in the Priority Listing and the rank order of those projects. The HCCSC Board of Directors reviews the Committee’s recommendations and either approves or amends them to determine final approval for submission in the CoC Application.

Exterior photo of apartment building

Local Application Process

Please note that agencies interested in applying for the CoC Program funding must meet certain Threshold Criteria as detailed each year in the local application appendix as well as any additional threshold requirements as determined by HUD with the release of NOFO each year and included in the eSNAPS application.  Threshold Criteria include, but are not limited to,  an understanding of the HEARTH Act, Final Interim Rule for the Continuum of Care Program and a requirement to abide by the local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) policies and procedures E.1 through E.6 (visit our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page and scroll to Section E to read) and Coordinated Entry policies and procedures D.1 through D.8 (visit our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page and scroll to Section D to read) if awarded.

For additional information regarding the local Continuum of Care Program, contact Marcie Bragg, executive director of Stark Housing Network (management organization and collaborative applicant for HCCSC), by email or by phone (330) 451-6550.

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