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330-452-4363Find helpful links and information to support internal and external monitoring to ensure compliance with CoC Program, ESG Program and related federal requirements.
SHNI Monitoring Workshop 2024
Stark Housing Network, Inc. held a Monitoring Workshop on February 8 and 12, 2024 for CoC, ESG Annual and HCRP Regional Rapid Rehousing funded agencies. Refer to the PowerPoint below for details from the workshop.
CoC_HCRP Quarterly Reporting Schedule
CoC and HCRP Regional Rapid Rehousing funded projects are required to submit a quarterly status report to the Stark Housing Network, Inc. based on the project’s start and end dates. Please see reporting schedule below.
CoC_HCRP Quarterly Status Report Form
C.5. Quarterly Status Report Form CoC & HCRP Regional Funded Projects is subject to change, always download the form from the HCCSC policies page at the time you are preparing to submit the QSR. Complete and submit to the Stark Housing Network, Inc. ( according to the Quarterly Reporting Schedule.
Charter & Policies – Stark Homeless Continuum (
SHNI Monitoring Checklist
The SHNI Monitoring Checklist is a tool used by the Stark Housing Network, Inc. for monitoring purposes and may not be inclusive of all program requirements. Refer to HUD requirements and HCCSC policies for full compliance.
Housing First Assessment
HUD continues to encourage Continuums of Care (CoCs) and providers to implement and strengthen Housing First approaches. To support these efforts, HUD has developed this Housing First Assessment Tool.
CoC funded agencies are required to complete the assessment for each project and submit to the Stark Housing Network, Inc. 5 days prior to their scheduled site visit.
Cash Disbursement Test
Monitoring will include a cash disbursement test for selected participant level files.
Additional Resources and Forms
Additional resources for Stark County HMIS/Coordinated Entry users and CoC, ESG and HCRP programs can be found under the Providers Tab.
Lead-Based Paint Hazards
HUD funded projects records must include documentation of compliance with the shelter and housing standards in 24 CFR 578.75(b) for CoC funded projects and § 576.403 for ESG funded projects including inspection reports and records for Lead-based paint remediation and disclosure;
Visual Assessment Training – HUD
EBLL LSHR Amendment Training for TBRA Recipients – HUD Exchange
NSPIRE Compliance Date Extended for CoC, ESG, and HOPWA to October 1, 2025
What’s NSPIRE ? It’s the new National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate.
On July 5, 2024, HUD published a notice extending the compliance date for implementation of the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) for Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) recipients and subrecipients and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) grantees to October 1, 2025.
The Notice allows recipients, subrecipients, and grantees additional time implement HUD’s NSPIRE standards. HUD intends to publish standards specific to each of the several Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs before the compliance date. These notices have not yet been published, and without this compliance date extension, it will be a challenge for participating jurisdictions, recipients, and grantees to revise their inspection procedures in time for the previous compliance date.
Information about the NSPIRE can be found on the NSPIRE website
Sign up to receive email updates on new resources, training opportunities, HUD policies, and more. Email Updates – HUD Exchange
Community Planning and Development (CPD)
The Community Planning and Development (CPD) Program Monitoring page provides information and resources to CPD grantees to assist in conducting self-monitoring, preparing for a HUD monitoring review, or monitoring subrecipients and other partners.
CoC Recipient Slow Spending Status Report Notification (Effective February 2024)
From: E-SNAPS <>
Date: March 4, 2024 at 2:33:20 PM EST
Subject: Recipient Slow Spending Status Report Notification
The Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) started a new initiative working with Community Planning and Development (CPD) field offices to review and address Continuum of Care (CoC) Program grants that are identified as slow spending on a quarterly basis. Beginning in mid-February 2024, the SNAPS Office will provide CPD field offices with a Slow Spending Status Report that highlights CoC Program grants that are spending slowly that could result in those grants returning funds at the end of the period of performance. We also provided guidance to the CPD field offices on different ways they can work with identified slow spenders so we can ensure the majority, if not all, funds are properly spent.
To view the full email notification, click below:
Recipients or subrecipients must match at least 25 percent of the total CoC Program
grant funds expended, except for leasing funds (no match requirement). Match may
be from cash or in-kind contributions.
Record Keeping
CoC Program
Recipients and subrecipients must maintain complete, up-to-date
written records and procedures for each CoC Program-funded project. They are required to establish and maintain standard operating procedures to ensure that program funds are used in accordance with regulatory and CoC Program NOFA requirements; and maintain sufficient records to enable HUD to determine whether recipients and subrecipients are adhering to regulatory and other applicable requirements.
ESG Program
Recipients and sub-recipients of ESG grant funds must establish and maintain the records specified in 24 CFR 576.500, including those required by 2 CFR part 200 to prove the eligibility of participants in ESG-funded programs, the services provided to those participants, and compliance with other federal requirements.
CoC Program Interim Rule
ESG Program Interim Rule