Need Help?
330-452-4363Need Help?
330-452-4363There are many ways to get involved with helping out the homeless in our community, Find information about different local groups as well as national conferences and organizations focused on ending homelessness.
HCCSC always welcomes new members! To become a member, complete the HCCSC Membership Form with your name, title, agency affiliation/job, email and telephone number.
Members’ meetings are held three times each year.
For details regarding each standing committee’s role and responsibilities, please see the HCCSC Governance Charter.
Other than the Executive Committee, which is composed of the Board Officers, HCCSC members may request to serve on a standing committee by completing the HCCSC Committee Interest Form.
Approval to serve on a standing committee is required in accordance with Policy A.1: Guidelines Governing HCCSC Committee Service.
The Collaborative is a group of local agencies that provide direct service to homeless clients and others who have an interest in addressing homelessness. Its focus is to end homelessness by identifying gaps in the homeless system and devising solutions to eliminate those gaps and to improve service delivery.
To join the HSC listserv, email Cassie Johr at
For additional information about the efforts to end homelessness throughout our country and our state, please click the links below. Several of the organizations listed have annual conferences and other events; find their Events pages to get the details.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH)
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO)
Corporation for Supportive Housing – Ohio Chapter (CSH Ohio)