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Ohio Department of Development (ODOD)

Ohio Department of Development (ODOD)
There are no funding opportunities at this time. If you are interested in receiving information regarding upcoming funding opportunities, please consider becoming a HCCSC Member. As a Member you will receive an email directing you to this webpage with the current funding opportunities.

Important Dates:

  • June 21,2023– Pre-Application Evidence of Continuum Support along with a completed Pre-Application and budget due to  to mbragg@starkhousingnetwork.org
  •  June 28, 2023 – Pre-applications due to Josiah.Clark@Development.Ohio.gov 
  • August 9, 2023 – Application opens in OCEAN 
  • August 31, 2023Evidence of Continuum Support along with a completed program narrative and budget due to mbragg@starkhousingnetwork.org
  • September 20, 2023 – SHP applications due in OCEAN.

Visit the ODOD website for more information: Development | Ohio.gov

Please review details regarding each program and funding application procedures below. Please note that agencies interested in applying for any of the ODSA programs must actively participate in the Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County (HCCSC). Interested applicants will also be required to abide by the local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) policies and procedures E.1 through E.6 (visit our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page and scroll to Section E to read) and Coordinated Entry policies and procedures D.1 through D.8 (visit our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page and scroll to Section D to read) if awarded.

Supportive Housing Program (SHP) & Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP) – Shelter

Program Summary: The Supportive Housing Program (SHP) and Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP) – Shelter are Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) funded grant programs for which agencies apply directly to ODOD biannually. SHP can fund Permanent Supportive Housing projects and limited Transitional Housing projects for select sub-populations. HCRP – Shelter can only fund emergency shelters.

Funding Priorities: Funding priorities for SHP and HCRP are determined by the Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County (HCCSC) based on local gaps/needs and driven by ODOD policy priorities.

Local Review Process: All projects submitting an application to ODOD must have the local CoC (Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County)’s approval. A portion of the ODOD application must be completed by the HCCSC describing how projects were reviewed and approved by the HCCSC and must include signed approval from the HCCSC.

Consulting on application

Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP) – Regional

Program Summary: The Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP) Regional is an Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) funded grant program for which the Board of Stark County Commissioner’s Office is the biannual recipient (grantee) of the funding. The Stark County Commissioner’s Office then re-grants the funding to local agencies as sub-recipients. This program is designed to assist individuals and families from all areas of Stark County, outside of the City of Canton, quickly maintain and/or regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis that has resulted in homelessness.

The Stark Housing Network Inc., on behalf of The Board of Stark County Commissioners, releases a biannual Request for Proposals (RFP) for sub-recipients of the HCRP funds. As the Collaborative Applicant for the Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County (HCCSC), The Stark Housing Network Inc. collaborates closely with HCCSC to set priorities and review applications for HCRP funding. Specifically, HCCSC’s Recipient Approval and Evaluation Committee reviews all HCRP applications biannually and makes recommendations to the HCCSC Board of Directors regarding which projects should be recommended for HCRP funding. The HCCSC Board of Directors reviews the Committee’s recommendations and either approves or amends them to formulate its final recommendations. The Board’s final recommendations are then forwarded to The Stark Housing Network Inc. The Board of Stark County Commissioners approves the final submission of the applications to ODOD.

The Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP) is funded, in part, through the federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program and therefore projects awarded must adhere to the regulations established in the HEARTH Act, final interim rule for ESG Program.

Funding Priorities: Funding priorities for HCRP are determined by the Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County (HCCSC) and driven by ODOD policy priorities.

Threshold Criteria: Agencies applying for funding must meet threshold criteria required for administering federal and state grants, which include understanding of the HEARTH Act requirements and agreement to abide by all local HCCSC Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) policies and procedures E.1 through E.6 (visit our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page and scroll to Section E to read) and Coordinated Entry policies and procedures D.1 through D.8 (visit our Member Resources >> Charter & Policies page and scroll to Section D to read) if awarded.

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