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Need Help?


How To Get Help


The Stark County Homeless Navigation Hotline (330-452-4363) refers eligible callers to appropriate shelters and other programs for households that meet the HUD definition of literally homeless after conducting an initial assessment interview each business day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Homeless Navigation maintains a current listing of available shelter beds throughout Stark County, and works with mental health agencies, hospitals, law enforcement, alcohol and drug treatment centers, and the courts to prevent discharge into homelessness. If calling outside of business hours for shelter and housing needs, please leave a message, and you will be contacted the next business day.

The Stark County Homeless Navigation Hotline number (330-452-4363) is intended for individuals or families without a place to stay that night. Referring individuals or families who already have a place to stay for the night will only prolong wait times for those who urgently need shelter.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call the 24-hour hotline: 330-452-6000 or dial “988”

If you are experiencing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and / or human trafficking, please call Domestic Violence Project, Inc. at 330-453-SAFE (7233) or Alliance Area Domestic Violence Shelter at (330) 823-7223.

To speak with someone on the Street Outreach Team, contact ICAN Housing at 330-455-9100

If you are currently homeless

You should:

  • Call the Homeless Navigation Hotline at 330-452-4363 to talk to a specialist
  • Be sure to be honest about your situation – the specialist wants to get you referred to the right program.

NOTE: The Homeless Navigation Hotline number is intended for individuals or families without a place to stay that night. Calling this number if you already have a place to stay for the night will only prolong wait times for those who urgently need shelter.

A Hotline Specialist will:

  • Speak with you about your situation. The call will take some time, so be sure you have minutes on your phone or use a phone that is not time-limited.
  • Collect information to see what services are available without registration
    – OR – Complete a full intake and risk assessment (this includes putting your information into the HMIS computer system).
  • Refer you if you qualify for shelter or a housing program that has an opening (or place you on a priority list if there are no vacancies)

Interpreter Services

The Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County’s Homeless Hotline offers translation services for the hearing impaired and for non-English speakers who are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis. These services are available to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, familial status, and disability. The Hotline will arrange any translation services you need. If you are deaf or hearing impaired, please email homeless.navigation@starkmhar.org. Non-English speakers should call the Homeless Hotline and, in their native language, communicate that they don’t speak English.

Do You Have a Child in School?

Homeless Education Liaisons are in place at all school districts to ensure that children and youth experiencing homelessness have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education, including preschool education, as non-homeless children and youth. Visit the Ohio Department of Education website for more information.

Information for Parents: English / Español

Types of Housing Assistance for Homeless and Those At Risk of Homelessness

  • Emergency Shelter: any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations with the primary purpose to provide temporary shelter for the homeless (including specific populations of homeless persons)
  • Rapid Re-Housing: rental housing search assistance, limited-time financial assistance, and case management and other services to help homeless families and individuals achieve sufficient independence to maintain their housing
  • Permanent Supportive Housing: community-based housing and supportive services for homeless individuals and families with long-term disabilities that substantially impede their ability to live independently
  • Affordable Housing: permanent housing in which the rent is below market rates and/or is based on the tenant’s income
  • Transitional Housing: temporary and time-limited housing assistance and comprehensive support options targeting specific sub-populations with high barriers.
  • Homeless Prevention: short-term help for individuals and families who are at serious risk of becoming homeless, providing financial assistance and support to resolve temporary housing crises
  • Shelter Diversion: case management, education, and financial assistance to help precariously housed families who are seeking shelter to improve self-sufficiency and stability in permanent housing

Types of Housing Assistance for Homeless and Those At Risk of Homelessness

Below is a list of agencies in Stark County that offer the shelter and housing services described above. Click on the agency name to go to their website, where you can find more detailed descriptions of their programs and contact information.

Alliance Area Domestic Violence Shelter

Alliance for Children and Families


Domestic Violence Project, Inc

ICAN Housing

Refuge of Hope

Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority

YWCA of Canton

Homeless Continuum of Care Complaint Department

If you are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, please call the Homeless Navigation Hotline at 330-452-4363 to talk with a specialist

The Stark County homeless system operates according to policies you can find on the Charter & Policies page under the Members Resources tab of the Starkcountyhomeless.org website. You have a right to file a complaint with the Stark Housing Network Inc. if you believe you have been the victim of discrimination in the application process of these policies.

If you believe that you have been a victim of discrimination in the application process and would like to file a complaint with the Stark Housing Network Inc., please complete the HCCSC Complaint Form and click SUBMIT at the end of the form.

If you prefer a paper format, please print the form below and follow the instructions on the form for returning to the Stark Housing Network, Inc.

Copyright © 2025 Stark County Homeless Continuum of Care

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